- Breakfast. Pretty easy. These days I just tend to take some Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain bars, dried apricots, and a whole bunch of Starbucks Via instant coffee. Starbucks Via ranks alongside Vibram soles, closed-cell foam pads, Gore-Tex, and the internal-frame pack as one of the Greatest. Backpacking. Things. Ever.
- Lunch. Really hard. I mean, what can you pack for lunch on a long trip? On trips up to four or five days I take bagels, peanut butter, salami, or canned tuna (the small cans). My friend Jake takes pita bread. Maybe try dried fruit.
- Dinner. Pretty easy. I often take dried soups like those from Nile Spice, empty them from their cardboard container, and store in zipper-top plastic bags. Freeze-dried dinners work because they’re light. None are that good, but I’ve found that Italian-themed dinners like Mountain House’s Lasagna with Meat Sauce for Two ($6.50) are at least decent. That’s two servings, though. Not two full meals.
All of which will get pretty grim after, oh, about three days. To help, pack a small spice kit. Go to the supermarket and get seasoned salt, garlic salt, coarse-ground black pepper, chili powder, curry powder, cinnamon, and maybe some Tabasco. Decant the seasonings into small plastic containers, or even plastic straws (seal the ends with a lighter flame). That'll add some variety to your food kit.
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