7 Best Outdoor Gear Picks for 2009
Every year, outdoor gear seems to get lighter, warmer and more expensive. But with the economy in recession, outdoor enthusiasts (and, especially, casual weekend warriors) may now be more inclined to make their jackets or tents last an extra year. And that has retailers and manufacturers worried. At the highest end, many companies chose to show the same products as last year. As a result, this may be the first show in years in which the most interesting products were not also the most expensive. And thatÂ’s not a bad thing. Here are seven of our favorites from the showroom floor.
Mountain Hardwear Ardica Jackets
Price varies, out this fall
This line of jackets uses a built-in, wall-chargeable battery pack that infuses the jacket with heat. We've seen heated jackets before, but this one is more than a wearable electric blanket--it packs enough power in its lithium-ion battery to simultaneously charge gadgets using an in-pocket USB jack.
I had a chance to try it out for a few hours on a cold, rainy mountain night, and it was positively difficult to go back to a regular jacket. At its highest setting (there are three), I actually started to sweat, despite my below-freezing surroundings.
The heat-enabled jackets should cost about $150 more than their unpowered kin. Really not bad, considering how cool the tech is.
The North Face Crimptastic Hybrid Jacket
$230, out this fall
This packable 800-fill jacket weighs just 12.2 ounces. That's great, but it's been done before. What's really remarkable is the sticker from the often-premium-priced The North Face: $229. According to TNF, their retailers were worried about the economy, and challenged the manufacturer to produce the best jacket it could at an accessible price. This was the result.
Sierra Designs Lightning XT 4 Tent
$450, out this spring
Most four-person car-camping tents weigh at least 10 or 20 pounds--too heavy to double as shelter for backpackers. This four-person tent weighs just 7 pounds 6 ounces packed, meaning it's light enough (barely) for backpackers. And its 57.5 sq ft of surface space should still satisfy car campers.
Although the manufacturer isn't publishing the tent's interior cubic feet (a key indicator when four people are sharing space), it appeared to be generous enough for a family to comfortably camp. According to the company, the key is a unique, arching pole-support system that keeps the top of the tent far higher than in comparably-sized tents.
Timex Expedition WS4
$199, out this spring
In order to see all the info a multimode watch has to offer, users typically need to press buttons to scroll between readout modes. The enormous face on this watch allows users to view all it has to offer (altimeter, barometer, thermometer and compass), without pushing a button. While this may be useful for climbers who have their hands full gripping cliff faces, it could be just as practical for strap-hanging subway riders who are jammed between fellow commuters.
Merrell Hurricane Jacket
$200, out this fall
From a distance, this jacket looks like a plain old peacoat, but up close, it reveals itself to be made of performance-oriented soft-shell synthetic--waterproof and breathable. Although it's unlikely any skiers or climbers will take to it, there's something bizarrely modern about the combination, and I can easily imagine fashion designers taking cues and working similar materials into their lines.
Snow Peak LiteMax Stove
$55, out now
Another Outdoor Retailer show, another claim at being the lightest/smallest/fastest at something. This time: a 1.9-ounce, three-prong camping stove (this is the first we've seen that weighs less than 2.5 ounces). Thankfully, this stove's diminutive nature doesn't appear to come at the expense of performance (it can reach 11,000 Btu) or price (it's just $55). The stove can handle 110- and 220-gram containers of isobutane/propane mixes.
Therm-A-Rest NeoAir Mat
$150, out this spring
When packed, this inflatable three-season camping mat takes up as much space as a Nalgene bottle. In fact, the manufacturer claims it's the lightest (it weighs just 14 ounces) and most compact uninsulated mat on the market. But unfurled, it is remarkably strong, stable and warm. The warmth comes from a reflective interior lining that reflects heat to sleeping campers' bodies. The stability comes from a honeycomb-shaped nylon interior cushion, which the manufacturer claims provide as much stability as a traditional foam mat, at a fraction of the weight. I took a test nap on it on the showroom floor, and left impressed--it held up well enough to keep me from feeling like I was sinking into the inflated mat.
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